Projekt eTwinning

pondelok 14. novembra 2011
Výroba vlastných meradiel....
pondelok 5. septembra 2011
1. září 2011 - my už začali ...
Těšíme se na nové pokusy v eTwinningu. O prázdninách bylo dobře ...
utorok 14. júna 2011
Okénko do naší třídy
pondelok 13. júna 2011
Vyhodnotenie súťaže... Evaluation of the competition...
The results of the competition for the best Slovak eTwinnig project in school year 2010/2011 are here! We won the 1st place!

nedeľa 22. mája 2011
štvrtok 5. mája 2011
Meranie času... Time measuring...
We created the magazines about physical quantities at Physics and IT lessons. Since, as our last task from you was to make a gauge, we prepared the magazine about time measuring for you. In the next issue you will find out, how we managed to make our gauge. We are looking forward to your reports, as well.
streda 20. apríla 2011
Správanie sa telies v kvapalinách... The behaviour of solids in liquids...

Click on the icon and examine the behaviour of oak and a coin in the water.
What did you find out? Why? On what physical quantity does this behaviour depend on?
pondelok 11. apríla 2011
Objem vzduchu v triede Šmálikovcov... The volume of the air in the Šmálik’s classroom...
Today we finally managed to measure the volume of the air in our classroom.
Our classroom’s dimensions: 12,45 m x 9,4m x 3,2 m.
V = 374,496 m3
There’s 23 students in our classroom, that means each one gets 16,3 m3 of the air. Ergo, our classroom fulfils the hygiene standards.
From the air density we calculated, that we are carrying 483,1 kg of the air on our shoulders.