Čo si zistil? Prečo je to tak? Od akej fyzikálnej veličiny závisí toto správanie?
Click on the icon and examine the behaviour of oak and a coin in the water.
What did you find out? Why? On what physical quantity does this behaviour depend on?
Click on the icon and examine the behaviour of oak and a coin in the water.
What did you find out? Why? On what physical quantity does this behaviour depend on?
Today we finally managed to measure the volume of the air in our classroom.
Our classroom’s dimensions: 12,45 m x 9,4m x 3,2 m.
V = 374,496 m3
There’s 23 students in our classroom, that means each one gets 16,3 m3 of the air. Ergo, our classroom fulfils the hygiene standards.
From the air density we calculated, that we are carrying 483,1 kg of the air on our shoulders.