mincíř po slovensky mincier.
Mincier je váha na rýchle zisťovanie hmotnosti, vhodná pre poľovníkov, rybárov, poľnohospodárov, atď.
Decimálka je nerovnoramenná, desatinná váha. V roku 1820 ju zostrojil štrasburský výrobca váh Quitenz. Boli pre väčšie hmotnosti - vrecia s obilím, mali prevod v pomere 1:10, takže k vyvažovaniu stačili 10x menšie závažia. (na 50 kg vrece stačilo závažie 5 kg).
We found the solution indeed. We bothered our heads with it a little. However, many of us know these weights by our own experience as well, they just didn’t know their name.
The solutions are:
The dernary scale - decimálka – this word is used also in Slovak language.
The coiner - mincíř (Czech) – in Slovak mincier.
The coiner is the weighing scale for quick assessment of weight. It’s suitable for hunters, fishermen, farmers, etc.
The dernary scale is decimal scale invented in 1820 by Monk Quintenz of Strasbourg.
It was used for greater weights – sacks of corn. They had conversion rate 1:10, so ten times lighter weight units were sufficient for balancing.
In the near future we will try to take the pictures of these scales. Wait for our pictures.
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