Pomôcky: pravítko, ceruza, papier
- Označ si okraj päty a špičky svojej stopy na papier.
- Odmeraj vzdialenosť medzi dvoma rovnobežnými čiarami na papieri a zapíš si zaokrúhlenú hodnotu dĺžky na celé centimetre do zošita.
- Meranie opakuj 5-krát a vypočítaj priemernú hodnotu dĺžky svojej stopy.
- Vypočítaj priemernú dĺžku stopy žiakov 6. ročníka.
Priemerná dĺžka stopy žiakov na ZŠ Štefana Šmálika v Tvrdošíne je 23,2 cm.
Akú priemernú dĺžku stopy majú naši rovesníci v Lískovci?
At Physics lessons we repeatedly measured the length of our footprint and then wrote it down to the table. With these results we calculated average value of the footprint length of every single student. These values helped us to determine average footprint length of 6th grade students.
Tools: ruler, pencil, blank sheet of paper
- Mark the edge of your heel and tiptoe of your foot on the paper.
- Measure the space between two paralell lines on the paper, round off the value to whole centimetres and write it down to exercise book.
- Repeat the measuring five times and calculate average length of your footprint.
- Calculate average footprint length of 6th grade students.
What is average footprint length of our friends in Lískovec?
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